sabato 27 giugno 2020

"Lungs": all the world is a stage

In the dark times of Covid, The Old Vic in London brings "Lungs" on stage with Matt Smith and Claire Foy, around cameras and the minimum of technicians necessary to reach via computer and connection to the 1000 seats around the world and not in the theater. A different but still pretty intense emotion, given the exceptional nature of the situation, the wound of the closed theaters and the constriction in our respective microcosms. Returning to a theater, in that theater, although through a computer, cannot fail to make one move, just as it cannot fail to move knowing that 1000 other people everywhere in the world at the same time are waiting for the lights to go up on stage; it cannot fail to know that even for those who have conceived this idea, edited it, or to play in it or direct or record it, it is a new, exciting experience (for which they ask: "Wish us luck"), a way to react, to remember that art and theater are necessary.

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